Traditional Thai Massage: Nuad Thai
Traditional Thai Massage • 120 minutes, $200 | 90 minutes, $150 | 60 minutes, $100
Traditional Thai massage uses no oils or lotions. The client wears loose clothing or a uniform that is provided for comfort in moving during treatment on the floor mattress. There is constant body contact between the therapist and client during the session of passive stretching and pressure which encourages deep relaxation and increased flexibility. The massage therapist uses thumbs, palms, forearms, elbows, knees and feet to compress, pull, stretch and rock energy lines and points. The client just needs to relax and may even fall asleep during the process.
Key Benefits:
- With Thai Massage, joints are opened, tendons are stretched, tense muscles are released, internal organs are toned, and energy is balanced. The overall effect is one of deep relaxation, rejuvenation, and a feeling of physical and mental well-being.
Packages and Specials!
10% discount on any service for FIRE FIGHTERS
Our services:
Traditional Thai Massage: Nuad Thai | Thai Aroma Therapy Oil Massage | Ashiatsu Massage | Chavutti Massage | Thai Herbal and Tok-Sen Massage | Thai Deep Tissue Chair Massage | Head-Neck-Shoulder Massage | Scalp Massage | Thai Foot Reflexology and Foot Massage | Child Massage | Cupping Detox Massage | Guasha Therapy | Prenatal Massage
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Jolina Sileski

Jolina Sileski, LMT, was trained at the International Thai Massage School in Chaingmai, Thailand, and is certified in Thai Massage, Reflexology, Head-Neck-Shoulder Massage, Herbal Compress, Tok-Sen, Hot Stone Massage, and, most recently, in Advanced Lana Stretching. In 2013 she attained certification in Advanced Practitioner and Teacher Training (CAPT). Jolina offers a full range of Thai massage services, reflexology, and spa services … all with gracious Thai hospitality!

Contact Us:
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Mon.-Sat. 9:30am–7pm
Sun. by appointment only
Please schedule 48 hours in advance, if you can. Thank you!