Scalp Massage

Scalp Massage • 30 minutes – $45 • 60 minutes – $75
Scalp massage produces serotonin that helps you stay active both physically and mentally, and keeps you relaxed and healthy. It also helps you to sleep better, improves good mood, increases memory, boosts up your brain and affects your social behavior. Take a break in-between a long day’s work, to sit and calm down with a warm cover around your neck, while our expert massage therapist give you a scalp massage. Help yourself get rid of your tension and stress, ease headaches and migraines; and stimulate blood flow. When your head and scalp is at ease, the whole of your body will feel refreshed and energetic. Our massage therapists who are excellent with acupressure techniques will use their palms and fingertips on certain points on the head and follow the energy line (meridians) to release the blocked energy, which results in bringing you the profound relaxation your mind needs. You will wake up to continue the rest of your day with rejuvenated body and mind.
Packages and Specials!
10% discount on any service for FIRE FIGHTERS
Our services:
Traditional Thai Massage: Nuad Thai | Thai Aroma Therapy Oil Massage | Ashiatsu Massage | Chavutti Massage | Thai Herbal and Tok-Sen Massage | Thai Deep Tissue Chair Massage | Head-Neck-Shoulder Massage | Scalp Massage | Thai Foot Reflexology and Foot Massage | Child Massage | Cupping Detox Massage | Guasha Therapy | Prenatal Massage
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Jolina Sileski

Jolina Sileski, LMT, was trained at the International Thai Massage School in Chaingmai, Thailand, and is certified in Thai Massage, Reflexology, Head-Neck-Shoulder Massage, Herbal Compress, Tok-Sen, Hot Stone Massage, and, most recently, in Advanced Lana Stretching. In 2013 she attained certification in Advanced Practitioner and Teacher Training (CAPT). Jolina offers a full range of Thai massage services, reflexology, and spa services … all with gracious Thai hospitality!

Contact Us:
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Mon.-Sat. 9:30am–7pm
Sun. by appointment only
Please schedule 48 hours in advance, if you can. Thank you!