How to Schedule — Cancellation Policy
To schedule an appointment call or text us at 720-252-0410 or 720-419-8697, or send an email to, leave a message with your preferred date, time, and service and we will get back to you with a confirmation.

Hours: 9:30am–8:30pm • Monday–Sunday
Please schedule two days in advance, if you can. Thank you!
Reservations should be cancelled 12 hours before the scheduled appointment. If not, 30% of the service(s) cost will be charged for cancellation.
Packages and Specials!
10% discount on any service for FIRE FIGHTERS
Our services:
Traditional Thai Massage: Nuad Thai | Thai Aroma Therapy Oil Massage | Ashiatsu Massage | Chavutti Massage | Thai Herbal and Tok-Sen Massage | Thai Deep Tissue Chair Massage | Head-Neck-Shoulder Massage | Scalp Massage | Thai Foot Reflexology and Foot Massage | Child Massage | Cupping Detox Massage | Guasha Therapy | Prenatal Massage
See our current Packages and Specials!
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Jolina Sileski

Jolina Sileski, LMT, was trained at the International Thai Massage School in Chaingmai, Thailand, and is certified in Thai Massage, Reflexology, Head-Neck-Shoulder Massage, Herbal Compress, Tok-Sen, Hot Stone Massage, and, most recently, in Advanced Lana Stretching. In 2013 she attained certification in Advanced Practitioner and Teacher Training (CAPT). Jolina offers a full range of Thai massage services, reflexology, and spa services … all with gracious Thai hospitality!

Contact Us:
Call / Text:
Mon.-Sat. 9:30am–7pm
Sun. by appointment only
Please schedule 48 hours in advance, if you can. Thank you!