Everyone loves a good massage and the positive glow that remains long after it is over. But how often should you get a massage? Is getting too many massages bad for you? To answer the second question first, there is no medical or scientific evidence that it is possible to have too many massages. However, health conditions may require that the number of massages is limited. As for how often you should get a massage, it depends on you, your overall health and your lifestyle. There are no set rules – the frequency at which you can get a massage done varies from individual to individual. That being said, these are the generally accepted frequencies.
For General Health and Relaxation
Those in generally good health, who live under moderately stressful conditions and have a sedentary lifestyle, should have a massage 1 or 2 times a month. This will tone the muscles, tendons and ligaments and boost the metabolic system. This amount of massage will also help in controlling moderate stress levels.